BECAUSE OF THE HEAT WE ARE MOVING THE SHOW TO THE AIR-CONDITIONED HOLDEN THEATER ON THE AMHERST COLLEGE CAMPUS. Sunday July 21 at 8pm Because of the more limited seating reservations are suggested!

  Performed by the METTAWEE RIVER THEATRE COMPANY Directed by RALPH LEE The Mettawee River Theatre Company has spent two years preparing a new version of THE RING DOVE, which they first performed  in 1988. An allegorical tale about friendship, it is drawn from THE PANCHATANTRA, a collection of stories whose origins reach back over 2,000 years, to ancient India.  The central characters are a crow, a rat, a turtle and a gazelle, whose behavior and relationships reflect many aspects of human nature. The production tells the story of the creatures’ growth in friendship with each other, as they achieve strength and harmony through cooperation and understanding. The production will incorporate an array of giant figures, puppets, and masks and will be performed out under the stars in a landscape permeated with live music, song and a spirit of celebration. NOW IN AMHERST COLLEGE'S HOLDEN THEATER! Tickets: $9 Adults / $7 Children (12 & under). Cash or check only. Supported, in part, by the Amherst Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency